
bridget profile My name is Bridget Beth Collins.

I am wife to Beau (the coder) and mother to Finn (the blonde 7 year old), Oliver (the dark 3 year old), and Harry (the sprite).

I live in a little corner of Seattle called Ravenna. We just bought an urban cottage we call The Burrow because it looks and feels like a hobbit hole. I’m obsessed with it.

I love to adventure into the wildflower woodlands, mossy waterfalls, and grey sand starry expanses of the Pacific Northwest.

I grew up and majored in Theater and am a product of all its dark, magical, sparkly world.  Though the only stage I current now is the constant one I live in.

I watercolor paintings and have an Etsy shop here. (If it’s on vacation it’s because I’m currently overwhelmed with life and just want to play make believe with the lost boys and watch sci fi with Beau).

I am ever – EVER – working on two projects:

1. my chapter book about a little girl who discovers a race of moth fairies.

2. my picture book about a boy who blows a magical kiss.

I hope you enjoy my blog!  Visitors, new friends, and comments are most welcome.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. I really like your blog because I love the Book-Lite-Theme (and use it on my own) – but not every Book-Lite-Blog looks as nice as yours! Greetings from Germany from Mirjam

  2. Finding your blog convinced me to use Book Lite too, though for an entirely different purpose. (It isn’t ‘live’ yet.) Your posts are feasts for the eyes.

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